
Our Mission: Food, Education, Home, Clothe

Health & Hygiene

Health & Hygiene

Women’s health in the world is one of the crucial issues that are being dealt with by governments and non-governmental organizations. 64.7% of women in the world are currently within the menstrual age, and majority of them do not have access to clean environments or safe products. Despite this being unique to girls, menstruation has always been surrounded with myths in many societies, including India. Indian women are generally more subjected to these taboos in rural areas, where 73% of the poor live, and where education levels are lower as well.

Taboos and myths about menstruation impact girls’ and women’s emotional state, mental and physical health as well as lifestyle. The challenge of addressing the socio-cultural taboos and beliefs about menstruation is further compounded by ignorance about puberty, menstruation and reproductive health.


Some of the taboos in India as it relates to menstruating females are:

  • They are considered impure, dirty, and contaminated during menstruation
  • They are not allowed to enter places of worship, and are restricted from offering prayers and touching holy books
  • They are not allowed to sleep during the day, bathe, wear flowers, talk loudly, or touch anybody
  • They are not allowed to enter the kitchen, cook, or prepare any meals