
Our Mission: Food, Education, Home, Clothe

Sight Saving

Sight Saving

The estimated 40 million blind people located around the world, 70–80% can have some or all of their sight restored through treatment. In developed countries where parasitic diseases are less common and cataract surgery is more available, age-related muscular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy are usually the leading causes of blindness.

Their eyesight can be restored by a simple cataract operation. For someone who is blind, the gift of sight is the greatest gift of all. We believe that Eye sight is a basic human right and that everyone including those in the most remote villages should have access to the treatment and the eye care they needed.

With your kind gesture we can ensure that these people who are suffering unfortunately are restored with Eye Sight. If you are interested in supporting this cause please contact: office.jsspsamiti@gmail.com For sponsorship details or alternatively complete the contact form and our representative will contact you.
